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Hello my fellow Westorians, here's what's going on now and soon:

- The Buildings of Brandon (patrons only) should be up this week!

- Quite a while back, those of you with votes chose Lomas Longstrider as a topic, and it's finally time to get back on that track! Related, we wrote this video for In Deep Geek and plan on several more like it (and some other topics): (321) The Complete Travels of Tyrion Lannister - YouTube

- When Lomas is complete, we'll return to regular scripted episode voting for $12+ patrons.

- Weekly voting for Valar Rereadis topics will continue as well, that's been fun. The way that works is: the winner gets made and the topic with the least votes gets dropped. The 2nd and 3rd place finishers carry forward to the next poll. Topics that get removed will get another chance in the future.

- There will be no Valar Rereadis on April 24th (Ice and Fire Con) or May 8th (medical procedure - no biggie but I won't be allowed to eat on Sunday. No calories = no livestream)

- We're working on Red Kraken Part 2 (Winter's Widow of the West - working title) as well as Dance of the Dragons Part 5 with Radio Westeros.

- We have finished the Yronwood campaign (possibly our best ever!) on our weekly Friday game streams, and will be starting a new campaign in Yi Ti the first episode will be April 29th.

- 2 more guest streams are planned (the goal is to roughly have 1 guest episode per month, but with guests it often comes down to schedules). The first is with Chris Stewart of the History of China podcast, the second is with returning colloborator Daniele Bolelli of the HIstory on Fire podcast. We'll be discussing the Anarchy/Times of Trouble in great detail, a period in English history that serves as a major inspiration for the Dance of the Dragons, with heavy focus on those parallels.

- Changes to Patreon benefits have been ongoing: Early access period for scripted episodes has been extended. From now it will depend on when each episode is finished, but generally you'll get them 2-4 days earlier than you were. We removed the quarterly hangouts. More episodes will be added to the Patrons-Only list. 


History of Westeros

Also, we're always on the lookout for cool guests! Thanks to Kristina K and others who have sent in suggestions. Mostly, we're looking for people who have knowledge of ASOIAF and a related topic. It doesn't have to be history, but that's often going to be a great fit. Like Jamie Redfern, for example. So if you have heard another cool podcaster or YouTuber talk Game of Thrones, they might be a good fit for us too. :)


I‘m really looking forward to hearing more of your thoughts regarding Johanna Lannister.