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Valar Rereadis Next Topic Poll

  • Kingdom of Sarnor (will include Lovecraft's The Doom that Came to Sarnath) 27
  • Arrival of the Andals 23
  • One of the Free Cities (which city tbd by a separate poll if this wins) 18
  • The Free Folk 35
  • 2022-03-21
  • 103 votes
{'title': 'Valar Rereadis Next Topic Poll', 'choices': [{'text': "Kingdom of Sarnor (will include Lovecraft's The Doom that Came to Sarnath)", 'votes': 27}, {'text': 'Arrival of the Andals', 'votes': 23}, {'text': 'One of the Free Cities (which city tbd by a separate poll if this wins)', 'votes': 18}, {'text': 'The Free Folk', 'votes': 35}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 3, 21, 21, 46, 7, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 103}


We're at a fork in the road with regards to potential next topic, so we're going to let you choose! 


Anthony DiPalma

Given that my nickname is Lana Del R’lyeh I am obligated to vote Lovecraft.

Anthony DiPalma

Also I live and work right next to HP’s grave! It’s funny to see the buildings and streets he talks about in stories like Call of Cthulhu. (The Fluer de Lys building is real and the current resident is a friend of mine!) Every Halloween people go and leave trinkets/monsters/art. So naturally I gotta go with him… even though it looks like the Free Folk are more powerful than the Doom…