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We hope you enjoyed the Red Kraken, here's what's next:

- Brandon the Builder won the "next episode" poll and luckily it is also the episode closest to completion, in fact it's likely to be recorded before this time next week. It's pretty darn big. I might have to split it up...

- After that, we'll move on to the next scripted episode until we're caught up. Then we will resume the $12+ episode topic/voting feature.

- The follow up/sequel to the Red Kraken on Johanna Lannister doesn't have a release date yet (or a name, but a lot of it is written), and will partly depend on Radio Westeros' schedule but I'm going to guess January. It's likely we will move on to Dance of the Dragons part 5 shortly afterwards.

- I have been writing a Balerion the Black Dread episode on the side as well, which will probably be a short one, maybe 20-30 minutes. You'll want to watch the video version of this one, the art should be sweet.

- Speaking of video... if you listen to us on Spotify/Anchor, you will start seeing video feed available on *podcast* episodes. This is a new feature they're rolling out and we're uploading the video versions (previously only on YouTube) to update the audio-only ones. You can still listen and forego the video entirely, but the option will be there, and that's great. Currently only a few episodes have this: Dance Part 1, Dance Part 2, and Serwyn of the Mirror Shield.

- We're going to have one-off livestreams on Sunday Nov 28th and Sunday Dec 12th. One will be on the Peake Rebellion & Death of Maekar, the other is TBA

- Reminder that Valar Rereadis for TWOIAF begins on Sunday Jan 2nd and will be weekly. The plan is for some episodes to have guests, others will have Sean, and some will have both!

- Ash and I are currently planning on attending WorldCon aka DisCon in Washington DC, and current plan is to be there from Dec 15-20th. If you will be there let us know!! (We have a great plan: driving up from Atlanta while listening to the Dune audio production.

- We're also making plans to be at the Creation Entertainment/HBO Game of Thrones Con in Las Vegas during February, so likewise let us know if you'll be there!

Questions/comments/ideas/puns? Comment below!


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