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Hello my fellow Westorians! With Dunk & Egg almost complete it's time to let you know what's coming next. As supporters, you'll hear it here first.

We will finish TMK this Sunday then do a wrap up episode encompassing all 3 novellas on Sunday the 26th. For that ep, we'll be joined by Stefan Sasse of the Boiled Leather Audio Hour!

Following that, Valar Rereadis will be on hiatus until January, when we'll dive into The World of Ice & Fire... worldbuilding fans will have their due.

The next 3 months will be focused on scripted episodes with periodic livestreams.

- Brandon the Builder
- the conclusion of the Nymeria series (1 or 2 more episodes)
- The Red Kraken (Patreon only, w/Radio Westeros)
- Mantarys the Mutated
- Aenar the Exile
- The Defiance of Cersei

- The Peake Uprising
- Wildfire Dreams
- The Trojan War of Five Kings (influences and parallels)
- House of the Dragon on HBO (what we know so far)

^that is not necessarily a full list

We'll have more specific dates moving forward. Some of the streams will have guests who need to be scheduled.

Also during this time we'll be undergoing a Benefits Re-structuring, i.e our Patreon rewards need updates.
- There will be modifications to a few of the benefits like episode voting, and we will be scrapping/replacing a few of the other benefits that are out of date.
- We are increasing the early release period. In other words, most of you are used to getting scripted episodes early, but from now on you will get them even earlier.
- If you have a benefit in mind we do not currently offer and would like to see, let us know!!


Devorah Lynch

If anyone deserves a solid block of free Sundays, it’s you guys! I’m looking forward to the new scripted content, but I will miss this group sorely every Monday…. And I look forward to rereading TWOIAF with you. For Patreon benefits: what about a lottery for a quarterly zoom happy hour with you? Maybe just five people winning each time. You could incentivize people to spend more by giving them as many entries as their monthly contribution? For the Wildfire Dreams stream, what about doing it with Joe Magician? I think you referenced his ‘Pyres and Blood’ episode recently.

Jenny Bird

Sounds fantastic, thanks for the update!