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We discuss the Old Lion, the Little Lion, the decline of House Osgrey through obsolescence, the boot and the blood price, comparisons to LotR and Dune, lots of humorous moments, the "true steel" and Wat and Wat and Wat.


Cat o'Vivas

A historical comment on the blood prize which was in use in "old times": GRRM is communicating some real world history there. In early medieval time in Europe, i.e. before the 10th century, crimes like severe injuries, rape or even murder were in many places not punished by hanging or beheading or cutting off body parts. Instead the culprit had to pay a blood prize to the injured person or, in case of murder, to his or her family. There were in fact real price lists depending on the crime and the violated person. A real concept of nobility didn't exist at this time, but they made a difference between free men and slaves. The highest price had to be payed for killing a pregnant woman. If somebody was too poor to pay the money, he had to work for the violated person or their family for a certain time instead. In the high middle ages this concept was abolished for death penalty and corporal punishment, so in classical medieval times it was really something from the "old times".