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Aziz dissects Kevan Lannister. Err, the Kevan Lannister chapter! This episode was made possible thanks to your Patreon support.


Aziz vs. ADwD Epilogue

A breakdown of the final chapter in A Dance with Dragons.



This is going to be my favourite feature. I love chapter analysis idea and Aziz is great!

History of Westeros

Since I did the last chapter first, I'm going to do the first chapter next. The AGoT prologue! I might stick with that theme for a while and do all the epilogues/prologues.

James Mellar

I wonder how I missed the Patreon reminder for this episode. I just watched it on YouTube. So are the Seel Sword Companies an equivalent to the many Christian Knight organizations, such as the Templars and Teutonic Knights? The elephants remind me more of Hannibal, so I'm lead to believe their fate isn't "golden," sorry for the pun. Will the Dragons be the elephant's mountains or will they be literal mountains?

History of Westeros

We haven't heard of anyone else missing the notification but please let us know if you miss the next one too. In terms of prowess and mixed tactics (east meets west etc), I'd say the GC is similar to the Christian Knight organizations. But in terms of motivations and biases, they're pretty different. Agree with you on the elephants, I think they will do some damage but an elephant can't beat a dragon, as cyvasse is wont to remind us...