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Sorry for the last minute change, but Jason asked us to postpone tomorrow's livestream. Since we have 4 weeks of guests lined up already, we're moving Theon I with him to June 6th.

The rest of the schedule remains unchanged!

In other news, my hard drive has died this morning. It shouldn't effect the podcast as we have all our files and documents online. The only exception is the weekly game streams. We might be able to restore some data from the hard drive in general but I'm not hopeful on saved games.

On the plus side, Ash and I got our 2nd vaccine shots this Wednesday, and there's been a steady stream of House of the Dragon details coming out. Once a bit more has come out, we'll do an episode on what we know so far.



Losing a hard drive sucks, sorry to hear about that. Glad you got your vaccines! 👍❤️🌳❤️

Javi Marcos

Sorry for the hard drive, happy for Ash and you!