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Helllllooooo and happy 2021.

A few miscellaneous items for you to be aware of:

- It's not set in stone but "When Giants Roamed..." early release access should start on Wednesday. Our guest (Crowfood's Daughter!) had to unfortunately re-record everything but we're squared away now and in full production mode.

- It might include a song version of Last of the Giants. Might? Well, I just recorded the vocals. We'll see how they turn out, and I will add a little guitar to it this weekend as well. :)

- Valar Rereadis has an end in sight...! The wrap up episode is set for Feb 28th. I'm pondering a "all 5 books" wrap up episode as well but am not sure yet.

- If you've posted a question to us but haven't gotten an answer, most likely you'll get your answer during that wrap up episode. Whenever you all send us a question that doesn't neatly fit with a particular chapter, I save it for the end.

- So in March we'll be on to the TWoW pre-release chapters! With guests! So far we have lined up Learned Hands Pod (Mercy), Gray Area (Tyrion II), InDeepGeek (The Forsaken) and Radio Westeros (Theon). Specific dates TBA, but we're sticking with Sundays at 3 Eastern. Feel free to suggest other guests below. :)

- Given the lighter load on weekly chapter coverage (1 instead of 3-5), that means scripted episodes and other livestreams (at times other than Sunday) will appear more frequently.

- do I owe you a nickname/title? If so, please post here (no need if we've been in contact recently) and I will get you squared away. Hopefully these will be in place by the time the 1st Giants episode comes out, but if not, they will be in place for the next episode(s).

- Any other comments or concerns or questions or suggestions? Post them here or send us a message :)


Carolina Blues

I'm fairly new to Patreon but have watched since the beginning... please assign title

Garrett Gabehart

Greetings. New Patron here. I've been listening to you all so long that I thought it was past time I paid it back. I did have one question. I was keenly looking forward to the third chapter in the Nymeria saga. Did I miss that episode, or are there plans to return to that series in the near future?

History of Westeros

Hi Garrett! You did not miss it, it was pushed back thanks to Valar Rereadis. Now that the workload on VRR has lessened significantly we expect the rate of scripted episodes to increase, and that one is on the short list. I don't think it will be "soon" but I do expect it to be this year.