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We're on a bit of a roll here. Blackwood 2 went out for public release on Sunday but we're already set to record the Defiance of Duskendale tomorrow. This episode is more about the struggles between Aerys and Tywin and the greater political picture than Barristan's heroism, but of course he's a big part as well. Especially how he feels about it so long afterwards.

I am guesstimating a roughly 1 hour length on this one. (Blackwood 2 was 43 pages and came out around ~2 hours 12 minutes, while this one is 22 pages). It will follow the normal member Westerorian release schedule, meaning $7+ patrons will likely see it by Friday.

Related, this episode will have 2 companions. One will be a direct comparison to Cersei, whose capture by the Faith is similar to the Defiance, while her personality and attitude share quite a lot with Aerys. That'll be scripted. The second will be a look at Aerys' dreams which we'll be working on with JoeMagician, and this will likely be a livestream.

Progress continues on multiple Giants episodes with Crowfood's Daughter. It will be either 2 or 3 episodes, one of which will be a focus on Brandon the Builder(!). The other will focus on ancient giants, giant's blood, and other fun fantasy archaeological subtopics.

*and* we've written the outline for The Dance of the Dragons Part 3.  Lady Gwyn has already written a large portion, my parts are incoming.

Lastly but not leastly, Valar Rereadis returns this coming Sunday! The first 3 chapters will be covered (Varamyr, Tyrion I, Daenerys I).


Aegon Thesixth

Busy busy A Tywin/Aerys breakdown always brings shit up, especially at this major peak. These two jerks are shitty bffs and I’m certain if we go over it hard enough, we can determine exactly how many liberties have been took #TyrionTargaryen