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We hope this message finds you well!  

I have always struggled with ADHD and it's been particularly acute the last few weeks. I am eager to be back on a schedule. If you are missing VRR, well... so am I! That said, it is also past time that I admit doing VRR weekly while also trying to do scripted episodes is not working.

The best way I can express why, is that I need to be completely immersed in a topic for several days if not a week if not more. Typically I will have 20 tabs open alongside the ebooks, Google docs, etc. 3-4 days in a row of that and I can get quite a lot done.

But doing that once a week for only 1-2 days is not working. I find myself spending an hour or two re-immersing myself, remembering where I was, recovering my train(s) of thought, etc. Simply put, it is inefficient and a bit frustrating. For those of you waiting on the scripted content, it's obviously not great either. So I have spent a lot of time thinking how to make adjustments and smooth out this process.

This is what's coming!

 - The first episode of Valar Rereadis for ADWD will be Sunday October 4th 

- When we finish ADWD, we'll take another break before beginning Dunk and Egg (w/Sean). Then we will do The World of Ice and Fire followed by another break, and then Fire and Blood. Each "break" will be like this one, i.e not a break from episodes, but a break from VRR, instead focused on scripted content.

- Blackwood Part 2 will record at last this coming Tuesday. It will be long. :)

- I am working on three other episodes. Recent history w/: The Defiance of Duskendale, ancient history w/: The Last of the Giants (with Crowfood's Daughter) and The Dance of the Dragons Part 3 (with Radio Westeros). At least one more of these will be out before the VRR re-start (along with Blackwood 2).

- For those waiting on new nicknames/titles (or if you emailed me to change yours) I will be making those updates in the next few days. So if you're waiting on one from me, expect a patreon message from me in that span.

- CK2 game streams continue as per usual every Friday at 6 Eastern. I'll be taking a break from those probably around January, and will restart when CK *3* (out now) has a functional ASOIAF mod.

Questions or comments or suggestions or criticisms? What is everyone else reading/watching/listening to during the break?



I miss VRR too! At the same time, I am loving having the time to catch up on my other fave aSoIaF podcasts. Following the analysis of aSoIaF is almost a part-time job! That is NOT a complaint...I feel very privileged to be alive and engaged during this time, the golden age of aSoIaF analysis. I very much appreciate all you do.

Devorah Lynch

We all are incredibly grateful and appreciative of all of the hard work that you do. I have ADD too, so I *completely* understand what you’re saying about needing to immerse yourself in a topic to contribute to it (and/or being hesitant to start a task if you know that’s not going to be possible). For that reason, I’ve been enjoying the VRR break. Don’t get me wrong- I can’t wait to get back to it! I’ve taken so much pleasure rereading ASOIAF with you all, then listening to the applicable Scraps and Scrolls, Girls Gone Cannon, then other topic-specific episodes across the incredible fandom each week. It’s been fascinating... but I haven’t had time to read anything else lol! I’ve been voraciously listening to several mysteries, “American Gods” (interesting symbolism parallels with our books), I just finished Dune, and I’ll probably finish the second book in that saga before we start back up with Dance. I definitely wouldn’t have been able to immerse myself in all of those different tales without the break... but I’ll also be very content to slip back into ASOIAF, like a warm bath to take rich pleasure from :)