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I tend to save up the nickname/title requests and do them as a group. A batch of y'all just got emails with suggestions, and several more just went up on the website.

My question is... are you still waiting on a name? i.e did I miss anyone?

Let me know and I'll get right on it.

PS Hope to see many of you for the start of A Feast for Crows on Valar Rereadis next sunday! :)


Chris Korey

Not sure if you choose the name or I do. But either way is fine by me.

Kat Coon

Not sure if I got an email or not on this, cause I get lots of emails from Patreon for the podcasts I support (3), but if you don't have it, I'd like Kat the Coon Hound, of House Slytherin, Castle Salt Lick