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Jaime IX - The One without Sex in White Sword Tower aka Brienne’s Shard of Ice (3:57)
Jon X - The One where Jon is Sent to Kill Mance aka Stop! Stannis Time (36:02)
Arya XIII - The One where Sandor Gets No Mercy aka Have Coin, Will Travel (1:08:32)
Samwell IV - The Gang Calls a Vote aka the One where Sam Thinks of the Children (1:34:56)
Jon XI - The One with Stannis’ Indecent Proposals aka The Winterfell Dilemma (1:54:08)



Paul Barry

Just one point on Jon XI - when Stannis says Jon is bold enough to be a Stark, I immediately thought of Lyanna. Yes, she was bold, but also her Knight of the Laughing Tree exploits bring to mind why Barristan was called The Bold.