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Davos VI - Edric Gets on a Boat... Because of the Implication aka the One where Lightbringer is a Reading Lamp (6:41)
Jon VIII - The Gang Defends the Wall aka the One with Donal Noye vs. Mag the Mighty (35:58)
Arya XII - The One with Sandor the Builder aka Wolf Dreams of Cat (56:17)
Tyrion IX - The Gang Reignites the Rivalry aka the One where Tyrion Can't Find Witnesses (1:18:29)
Jaime VIII - Storytime: The White Book aka Lord Commander Kingslayer Takes Charge (1:49:23)



Mindaugas Jakutis

I must say this one was quite successful. I wanted to thank you guys for being a bastion of 'normality' in these trying times.

Ornella Cervino

Hey there! Maybe someone already mentioned this in the live stream, but isn't Lyanna Mormont's death based on Donal Noye's? I'm almost done with ASOS and as a first time reader/show watcher :-P I can't help noticing these little details, like Sandor telling Arya "First we rob him" (about the Red Wedding survivor) is the same quote Arya uses in season 8 about the Hound himself "First I robbed you". Valar Rereadis!

History of Westeros

That's a very good call, I honestly can't recall if we mentioned the Noye/Lyanna Mormont thing back at the time! If not we definitely should have :)