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- Thanks for sticking with us, support has gradually waned since the end of season 8 and we feel the love from those who remain firm.

- One less chapter per week during Valar Rereadis has really helped us get back to the other content we're known for. We will have one week off from VRR on March 15th. The next scheduled break after that is Ice and Fire Con, the week of April 26th. If everything continues on schedule we will finish A Storm of Swords on May 17th.

- The Dance of the Dragons Part 2 w/Radio Westeros was recorded TODAY! The target date to have it up for early Patreon release is Feb 22nd.

- Ninepenny Kings Part 2 happened this past Saturday, the podcast version will be posted Thursday.

- The Barristan Selmy/Criston Cole livestream was moved as a domino-effect result of Ninepenny Kings 2 being re-scheduled. That one is now set for Tuesday, March 17th at 6 Eastern.

- Before that, we'll have a livestream with Tara Lynne, the founder of Ice & Fire Con, where we will be giving away a FREE IaFCon ticket for this year.  That will be Saturday Feb 29th at 2 Eastern!

- Thanks to those of you who watch our gaming streams. It's been a blast playing House Blackwood with about 50 ppl coming to the chatroom for each session. A fun place to hang out on Friday night.

- If you haven't joined us on Discord yet but plan to, here's the link again: https://discord.gg/mZrsRuy We have sub-channels for VRR as well as other fandoms like The Witcher, The Expanse, MLB and more.

Ditto Slack, here's the link: http://bit.ly/2uObRed

The schedule, short version:

- Dance of the Dragons (P2): early release begins 3-4 days from now
- Giving Stream: Saturday Feb 29th, 2 PM Eastern
- Valar Rereadis: off Sunday March 15th
- The Kingmaker & The Queenmaker: Tuesday March 17th, 6 PM Eastern
- CKII Gaming Livestreams: House Blackwood, every Friday, 6 PM Eastern


History of Westeros

Also, if I owe you a nickname/title or you want one and haven't said so, feel free to comment below. :)

Warren Dudson

Really enjoyed your coverage of the war if the ninepenny kings and very excited for the collaboration with radio westeros