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Our long stretch of travel (and a local convention) ends tonight, and we will return to our normal Valar Re-readis schedule next Sunday September 8th with Part 10.

We have no more conventions or extended travel currently scheduled until April 2020, save Ball at the Wall in Nashville on the weekend of Oct 26th. That weekend's re-read episode will be on Monday rather than Sunday.

My grandfather passed last night. We've known it was coming, so I was able to be with my mother earlier this week. He was a big reason why I have such an interest in history.  He spoke 12 languages, had high level security clearance at the Pentagon, created a successful security business in the private sector where he emphasized minority hiring. He served in Korea and Vietnam, received the Soldier's Medal for bravery (attempting to save fellow soldiers from a crashed and burning helicopter), and the Purple Heart. He was my main father figure for much of my life, having never met my own. Lift a glass for him tonight!

There might be small changes to the schedule as I will be traveling for the funeral, but I don't want to skip any more re-read episodes for a while after missing 3 in a row. However, the start time might change for an episode or two, to facilitate. Will keep y'all updated on that as I know more.

With all the conventions and travel behind us shortly, we will return to the status quo of scripted content to go along with the re-read. That'll be great for us all :)

Tuesday the 3rd will be our next Livestream (2 days from now) at the usual time of 6 Eastern. We will be discussing the trips (and sharing photos), which include our visits to GoT filming locations all over Ireland, a Q&A with GRRM (he answered another of our Q's!), lunch and dinner with him (including a talk about Vhagar's color...), his panels, time with Elio Garcia, Adam Whitehead, Michael Klarfeld and more, like the Uber driver we had who was an extra on the prequel show (and had proof). 


Sandie the Dragon, Blood of Queen Daenerys & Lady of Jameson

So sorry for your loss! Cheers to your grandfather who instilled his gift of history and storytelling into you...we are fortunate to have you share your wisdom with us. By you sharing history with us your grandfathers memory lives on.