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Sansa III - The One Where Sansa Yells That Joff is not Like Robert aka the Gang Gets Sent Back to Winterfell (3:52)
Eddard XII - The One Where Cersei Says “You Win or You Die” aka the Gang Figures Out About All The Incest (20:45)
Daenerys V - The One Where Dany Eats a Horse Heart aka The Gang Crowns Viserys (36:10)
Eddard XIII - The One Where Robert Dies aka the Gang Tweaks the Royal Will (54:18)
Jon VI - The Gang Swears their Night’s Watch Vows aka The One Where Ghost Finds Benjen’s Men (1:07:24)
Eddard XIV - The Gang Usurps Robert’s Will aka the One Where Littlefinger Did Warn Ned Not To Trust Him, You Know (1:32:48)
Arya IV - The One where the First Sword of Braavos Doesn’t Run aka the Gang Escapes the Red Keep (1:54:12)



History of Westeros

We apologize for the short delay in posting this, at about 9:30 last night we lost power at our house and it only came back on about 30 minutes ago. Quite an ordeal, there was a car accident a few blocks from us and it took out a power pole, there was still an SUV tangled in power lines when we walked up there to see what was going on. Thanks for waiting, folks!