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My fellow Westorians...

- We got our panel audio links from Con of Thrones 2019 in Nashville, and will be sending them off to the Bengineer for editing. We expect to release most of them (and there are around 20!). Myself, Sean and Ash did a lot of panels with a lot of fun people.

- With the Con (and panel preparation) behind us, and most of the difficulty in our house/home situation solved, I can get House Blackwood finished. I've been saying this for a while... I admit to biting off more than I could chew, but I've cleared out a lot of the excess workload. 

- I'm having a ton of fun with Valar Rereadis! We will all be so prepared for TWOW, any ASOIAF discussion anywhere at anytime, and y'all will always have an edge at ASOIAF/GoT trivia, haha... 

- Hope you enjoyed the brief "Where Are they Now" episode on the Tourney of the Hand, another one is coming this week based on Tyrion's trials in the Vale (Clansmen and Knights and Ladies and Lords and More... err, Mord). These episodes follow the 7 day advance release plan, so some of y'all may not have access yet, but will soon.

- This Saturday's livestream (July 28th at 2 Eastern) will be posted shortly, it will be Sean and myself with Ash, discussing the Battle of the Blackwater for the first half, and Con of Thrones 2019 in the second half. 

- Still working my way through the nicknames and titles. I just sent out three more today. You have not been forgotten!

- Stay tuned for a big big announcement a bit later in the year. We've been planning something for a few months now and are almost ready to announce it.

- Wait, scratch that, we have TWO announcements. This one is not a secret, though it is only in the planning stage at this point. We're working with the usual suspects to create a map of Westeros during the Age of Heroes(!). Imagine the Stepstones are a land bridge to Essos, there's no Moat Cailin or King's Landing or the Wall or even roads. The forests would be much larger, there would be weirwood groves, and... well plenty of other fun things.  We're going to have to make some guesses, but I can't wait to see it when it's done, though it is likely months away still.

- Ash and I will be going to WorldCon 77 and TitanCon next month. That means Belfast and Dublin, which means filming locations... We will also get to spend some time with GRRM. We expect to hang with other fandom faves like Adam Whitehead (Werthead), Michael Klarfeld (Klaradox), Elio & Linda and the Wolf and the Crows. So if you haven't already, follow @azizalfrets and @ashayatara on Instagram, where we will surely have photos from this adventure to share with y'all. We will be accompanied by Christina Manoli of Blood of the Podcast, and she also takes a lot of photos, so I recommend following her as well (@agameofcons).


Kenneth Hammer

I can't wait for all the con videos! And what's with the secrets? 😭

Dirge Girl

I hope you guys have an amazing trip. Enjoy the Direwolves tour if you do it! Safe travels... And I can't wait to hear all about it from you guys!