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Valar Rereadis: Leave Unlisted on YouTube?

  • I prefer the finished livestream to stay UNLISTED (must have link to view) 48
  • I prefer the finished livestream to be PUBLIC 60
  • 2019-06-14
  • 108 votes
{'title': 'Valar Rereadis: Leave Unlisted on YouTube?', 'choices': [{'text': 'I prefer the finished livestream to stay UNLISTED (must have link to view)', 'votes': 48}, {'text': 'I prefer the finished livestream to be PUBLIC', 'votes': 60}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 6, 14, 16, 36, 43, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 108}


So far we're VERY happy with how the reread is going, but since it is still early we want to take the opportunity to get as much feedback as possible. Better to make changes now than later!

The Valar Rereadis episodes are left unlisted after each stream. How do you feel about that? Is that harder for you to manage? Is it a hassle to find them?

(note, this is for AFTER the livestream, NOT during. We are still keeping the actual livestreams semi-private. If you don't watch on YouTube, no need to vote!)


History of Westeros

(the actual livestreams will remain semi-private, but they will be posted publicly upon completion)

Rutherford the Brave

What the pros/cons for you on this? I get (and appreciate) the privacy on the live cast. But what harm does letting it be public bring after the cast is over ? Also what type of poditical voting system is this. Straight Majority rules?

History of Westeros

Mostly the addition of a weekly series to YouTube makes our catalog a lot harder to navigate. That is not a huge factor for us, but it does matter.