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Patreon informed me that they've switched email clients and that there may be a few hiccups, and we experienced a minor one here. At least one new patron signed up and we did not receive the usual email notification.

So if you never received any kind of "Hello and thanks" type message from us within a couple days of joining, please email us or just respond to this post and we'll get that taken care of.

We were unable to record the first Nymeria episode yesterday but it will be recorded Monday instead. It'll cover: the history and fall of the Rhoynar (with a lot of Valyria & Volantis), Tyrion's travels along the Rhoyne, a long look at "water wizards" and the type of magic they used, greyscale(!), a theory on the future of the Water Gardens and lots more. 


Ser Daniel the Sneaky Russian

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