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- Nicknames: if you are still waiting for one from us, please respond to this post. Occasionally name requests slip through the cracks so I post from time to time to make sure. I'm updating the website today so any names recently sent to me will be up by then (if you don't see it already there).

- House Manderly: will be recorded this weekend! I'm a little bummed that it took me longer than expected to get it ready, but the good news is that the delay has a positive outcome: it's already looking like well over 2 hours!

The script is 40 pages and I will likely add 2-3 more before the recording. (the first Bloodraven script was 37 pages, for reference). I had a major idea near the end of the writing process which caused me to have to re-write a lot of the ancient history part. I'm eager to share the reason for that delay!

- After house Manderly, we will return with Bloodraven Part 2.

- The Next Livestream: will be this coming Friday at 6:30 PM EST / 10:30 PM GMT. It will feature Ashaya, Chloe Ketchum (Drunk ASOIAF History, Ice and Fire Con), Tara Lynne, (Ice and Fire Con, the Geekiary), Lady Gwyn (Radio Westeros), and Haley Bowery (the Manimals).

Aziz will be running the chatroom and production. Ash and Aziz are swapping places this time...

- Speaking of Ice & Fire Con: A reminder that all 3 of Sean, Ashaya and Aziz will be there (as well as everyone in the livestream)! It's not too late to buy a ticket and join us in Ohio the last weekend in April. Use the code "history" to get $5 off - http://www.iceandfirecon.com/store/

Questions or comments or anything we've missed or neglected? Please let us know.

Until next time, Valar Re-Readus!


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