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QA extras from the Livestream on 8/28, for Patrons only!


Ryan Bonnett

Hey guys I can never get a question in on the live stream due to my work schedule but i thought i would ask you the following and maybe you guys could discuss it on the next review. Why doesn't Tyrion ever use Jaeherys the conciliator as an example for Danearys to live up to? He was arguably the best Targaryen king ever and did it with open handedness, justice but also carried the fear due to his Dragons. I find somethings these leaders do tactically incorrect. Aside from show drama, Dany should be rallying the Reach lords and Riverland lords to help her instead of working on alliances with Cersei. With their takeover of Casterly Rock, Dany has essential pinned Cersei and the remainder of her armies into Kings Landing. They should leave them in there and do exactly the same thing she did in Mereen, Use the commoners to fight her internally. Lastly, why wouldn't the north move all their people south through the neck to the river lands or the Vale? Just like the Russians did when combatting Napoleon. You could even set wildfire traps in the neck by Moat Cailin to dwindle their numbers. Especially now that the wall is breached it makes no sense to fight the Walkers in the coldest area which only favours an ice dead army. Bring everyone south and into the crown lands which would essentially force Cersei into the fight . Uniting all of westeros by necessity instead of by treaty. The riverlords would side with the Starks & Targaryens and the Vale already has. As long as the Unsullied and Dothraki prowl central westeros, keeping Cersei pinned into the city, all northerners should be moving south. Just my thoughts on survival strategy. I'd love to hear your thoughts around this.


Hello! Thanks for all of the great work. I am enjoying your analysis of this season. Just one quick comment. Everyone is reading the Tyrion "look" at the end the ep as jealously or romantic longing for Danny. I think it is more likely, or equally likely, that he is worried that his power/influence will diminish if she takes Jon as a lover/partner/consort. Her entire counsel exchanged a similar look when she took Jon's advice to take the boat rather than fly to Winterfell. Suddenly she is listening to (and sleeping with) Jon. It gives him considerable influence with her that others simply won't be able to compete with. I could be wrong, but I hate the idea of her small counsel being populated by the love-sick advisers. I would love to hear your comments on the book to show review! Thanks again for all of your work!