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Here's the video version of our interview with Ryan Condal, with subtitles. Please give it a like and share it around, it really helps the show! And peep the new intro sequence by Bran, who will be tweaking it more before this upcoming Sunday, including adding new music.


Ryan Condal House of the Dragon S2 Interview

We had an amazing time talking to Ryan and got some great (and revealing) answers! All season long, tune in Mondays at 6 pm eastern for Review episodes and Saturdays at 3 pm eastern for Preview (spoiler-filled) episodes, with special guests. Plus some Wednesdays at 7 eastern! Ryan's podcast "The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of": https://bit.ly/3VxRTO5 Support Us: https://bit.ly/howpatreon Shirts: https://historyofwesteros.threadless.com/ Website: http://www.historyofwesteros.com/ Twitch Game Streams: https://twitch.tv/historyofwesteros Playlists: https://bit.ly/howplaylists Logo by FoxAndBrambles: https://twitter.com/foxandbrambles HOTD Intro by Bran the Builder: https://br4nthebuilder.com/ Maps by Michael Klarfeld: http://klaradox.de Facebook Group: https://bit.ly/howfb Discord: https://bit.ly/howdiscord



So excited to listen!


This is great 👍