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Long before humankind existed, let alone raised structures of note, the gods shaped the planet’s natural wonders via their whims and wars for people like Lomas Longstrider to discover and catalogue for others. In this companion episode to Lomas Longstrider and the Wonders Made By Man, we explore the natural wonders of the world according to his book “Wonders”. He named 7, but we only know 1, so we’ll be going through the best candidates from all over the world to make our guesses!


Lomas Longstrider & the Wonders Made by Gods

Long before humankind existed, let alone raised structures of note, the gods shaped the planet’s natural wonders via their whims and wars for people like Lomas Longstrider to discover and catalogue for others. In this companion episode to Lomas Longstrider and the Wonders Made By Man, we explore the natural wonders of the world according to his book “Wonders”. He named 7, but we only know 1, so we’ll be going through the best candidates from all over the world to make our guesses! Support Us: https://bit.ly/howpatreon Shirts: https://historyofwesteros.threadless.com/ Website: http://www.historyofwesteros.com/ Twitch Game Streams: https://twitch.tv/historyofwesteros Playlists: https://bit.ly/howplaylists Logo by FoxAndBrambles: https://twitter.com/foxandbrambles Intro video, maps by Michael Klarfeld: http://klaradox.de Facebook Group: https://bit.ly/howfb Discord: https://bit.ly/howdiscord


Anthony DiPalma

Also, I will never forgive Lomas for allegedly skipping Asshai. Dude blew a massive lead. Skipping the cool Goth City because you’re afraid of a little radiation or whatever? He could’ve used a glass candle to call the Maesters and tell them all the hot gossip!

Colin P

I think it’s also possible Lomas might have gone to an area like Beyond the Wall and done a whole separate book of wonders. Lomas’ Wonders Beyond the Wall. There are so many choices he might just opt to keep going in a series.