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Do you agree that I sent the July rewards to the mail that is registered on your Patreon?

It would be a .zip file



That's one way to go about it. With that, I'd also suggest not including nude alts in each post going forward and save those for the monthly rewards that you send out, so long as it's clear what & which will be in said rewards. Of course, it's your call at the end of the day


It seems to me an excellent idea, in this way the cancellation of subscriptions at the end of the month and also the leaks will be reduced.


That could be a way but would you send them as soon as they are finnished and ready to be released or all rewards at once at the end of the month? And about the nude alts you could do like... you could post the SFW peices here on patreon and send the NSFW versions per Mail. And what about the commisons that were allowed to be posted? Would they be sent too? Just asking so that i know how the system may work ^-^