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A man is about to take part in a horse race, which has become a tradition there. And his family has won the race several times since the time of his grandfather. However, there is a ritual that they have to do a few days before the race starts, it has become a family tradition which is their secret to always win the race. And the horse that will be included in the race must be thoroughbred horses from horses that have been cared for by their grandfather, and each generation must maintain these horses according to the will of their grandfather, but unfortunately now there is only one horse left.

At night before the race day, he couldn't sleep well, because he kept worrying about something, even though he felt he had done all the rituals that had become a tradition in his family. Early in the morning he went to see his horse, because he kept worrying. But what a surprise he was, when he saw the stable's door was open, and saw that the horse was not there. He was very sure that his horse had been stolen by his rival. He had been going to the races with his son, but now her horse was gone. He began to worry about the words of his late father about to keep maintain the family traditions, Because if the ritual is violated, one has to bear bad luck.

He saw that the sun would soon rise. He felt something happen to his body. He began to sweat and heart pounded. His body grew bigger and felt his clothes getting tight. The cloth became torn apart as it couldn't hold up his shifting. His fingers start to harden and join to form a hooves. He rested his hand on the wall in front of him. He groaned in pain and discomfort. He let out a scream that turned into a horse's neigh, as his neck grew longer and his face grow into a snout. He stomp his hooves against the wood wall and the floor. But no one heard him.

At 10 a.m his son was getting ready to go to the race, but he had not seen his father since morning even though he had been looking for him. Finally he went to the stable where the horse was, he was surprised to see the horse outside with the door open. But he was relieved the horse had not run off. In the end he went alone to the races with the horse, for he still had not seen his father.

Luckily he won his first race. He felt proud of himself and wanted to meet his father immediately to show it. On his way home, he walked his horse back to its stable, and when he looked inside he was surprised to see his father's clothes inside. "What really happened?" he muttered. The horse stamped its foot as if calling for attention. Then his son's eyes widened because he realized that the horse was wearing the bracelet his father always wore.




Omg this piece is so well done. The composition and background work is perfect. Bright colors, full visibility. Spectacular!


I like the story you added to it. Win no matter what.

Randwulf Gozan

Really? Thank You. ^^ I was initially hesitant to add a story in the description, because I'm not very good at writing. Hahaha