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True to myself I of course went back and redid a bunch of things on this guy. Some invaluable feedback from the Project 17 project lead went into the concept art-ish neck guard and arm protection.

Really love how this big guy turned out, and other than small fixes that might pop up I'm fairly certain this is the finished form.

Edit: TankNut I hope the shoulder size is still within acceptable boundaries.




I'm really loving it. Right away without looking at the context of the unit I can see it's an evolution mid-way along the timeline between the early days of the combine on earth & half life 2. So great work. If there's one thing I'd revisit it's the elbow area where the shoulder armor merges into the the forearms. if it's actual armor, that area is usually not covered to allow full mobilisation of the arm, I've worn riot armor before and to allow full motion of the forearms to manipulate a shield, or a baton for example, or incase a sudden sharp upward motion I.E climbing a ladder is needed, the armor doesn't prevent movement. Unless this is proprietary combine armor that retains it's tensile strength and at the same time can remain flexible enough. If that's the intent then ignore everything I said. Otherwise it looks great, the armor extending over the hands is also a very nice touch.


Thank you! And yeah, on the one hand I don't want to break the arms in two, just looks too good as one big piece. And on the other hand I'm just writing it off as "it's alien stuff" so some logic can go out the window, haha.


Just seeing this behemoth of a unit makes me want to become an OTA just for a chance to become this. Jokes aside this looks absolutely incredible! Keep up the incredible work!