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Made a new compile on the map with the updated Citadel model, and the city has been reworked quite a bit since I made that last render. I think the lights on the Citadel still need some more work as they feel a bit too Death Star-y? Also the particles are not in yet and will be a big part of selling the depth. Some rising smoke to the base of the Citadel, chimney smokes, little flocks of birds etc.




It already looks absolutely stunning, I can't wait to see it updated with all the things you just mentioned! Oh and the Half Life music video you just published it's just awesome. Seeing the aftermath of the previous videos (and some insight on new ones upcoming I guess) was just a wonderful touch. Completely in love, CANT' WAIT for the next one and especially for the project. As usual, well done man :')


Thanks! It still feels a bit like a diorama not """real""" in terms of size, but it'll get there eventually. And I'm glad you enjoyed :)