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First of all, How's everyone doin?
I hope Y'all having a blast,

Anyway Regarding about the new update of Patreon and commission schedule :

I have a new plan I would like to give a try next month (February 2022) which is instead of updating the progress on every artwork based on Queue of each tiers from $1 to $100+I will do it like this instead :-

-First week of Feb (1st - 4th)
I'm going to post all Patreon request/commission update from doodle Build up/render, Linework and base col, (Monday - Friday)

-Second week of February (7th - 13th)
I'll be taking the entire week off,
(Will explain what I would use this weeks below) 

-Third week of Feb (14th - 18th)
I'm going to finish up all the request/commission, Will be posting 'Gray scale shading' WIP and shaded/finish piece (Monday - Friday)

-And Finally the last week of the month Which is 4th week of Feb (21th - 25th)
I'll be taking a new request from patron to be schedule next month and also
will give my thought on how's everything going so far for this new plan,

Why do I prefer to do it like this?

1 : trying to Be fair to everyone :
I think its unfair for a low tiers pledger/patron to have to wait for a month or two for their doodle request to finally came up, This way everyone will get their request appear at least once a month rather than waiting for their queue to finally came up which is taking way longer than it shouldn't,

2 : Burned out :
I tend to burn out a lot and totally out of motivation to draw and even work in RL, I think this is due to my brain didn't get enough time to properly rest, IRL I work from 8AM to 5PM but sometimes I stay back at the office till 10PM just so I can get the overtime charge and then back from work I have to immediately work on patreon stuff which usually takes 3 to 5 hours per day, So as I stated above regarding about taking the entire week off (2nd week of Feb 7th - 13th) I'm using this week just to rest properly and try not to overworked myself,

3 : REEEgular post :
Instead of taking Monday as my regular post I am going to schedule it on the 2nd or 4th week of the month, I got so much girls I wanna lewd but I am not able to do that cause of the tight schedule but now I should be able to get shit done this time,

I know its a bit confusing right now But I will came up with a proper chart for this so you you guys will get a better idea on what the hell I'm talking about right now, Probably next week, 

Welp that's all I got to say for this week of an update so everyone please take care and

again happy new years 2022!



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