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hello everyone and happy new years! I just wanna update a few things here regarding about my page and how its gonna work for this 2018 (i try to make it as short as possible cause i know some of you don't like reading my long rant)


pledge request price and tiers are still the same so no worries, but im still having problem with some people who think it as Commission instead of a request, the 'unlimited request' on my tier reward is my thanks to you guys for supporting me, its not something that u pledge then ask me to work on it immediately, U have to wait like everyone else.


All commission start on $50 : 1 main char (either nude or sex involve), adding another main char will be charge extra $20, add-on like extra panel/cum/x-ray etc have additional faceless/headless male, horse, dog etc have no charge.


Lately i only been working on a request but didn't get the chance to post my original art/sketch both sfw and nsfw. I have all this interesting idea that i been trying to work on it since last year so this is whats gonna happened :

SFW SKETCH : Im gonna try browse everywhere and interact with people and use any ref or comment for my parody comic like what i did with glynda jumping rope,

NSFW SKETCH : Im gonna squeeze in every sketch based on my idea every weeks and im gonna tag it as 'regular post' like i always do. so im gonna take a lil bit priority on what i wanna work/see so this might slowed down request post just a lil bit but i hope u guys cool bout it :)


Im gonna promote more TATA for both public/patreon and sfw/nsfw post cause i wanna spread her around more so people actually know who she is, and im thinking of making a short comic of her, (and i think im gonna change her name to Tania)


funding post is basically a paid request to finish up a doodle post either from pat request or my reg post. so im gonna add this channel to discord on both LL/SHO server and BST server,


so theres a few peoples on tumblr and facebook recommend me to go back to DA just to post back all the sfw stuff. I will think bout it but I definitely update it soon once I make up my mind.



Definitely looking forward to more TATA/Tania, as well as some more of your own regular posts like before awhile back go for it bud I’ll be looking forward to it!


OH SHIT, I'm an idiot, I didn't realize TATA was your OC, I thought she was from some anime or show I was just unfamiliar with. Just makes me think you should do character designs for actual shows.


oh yeah thats actually a good idea. cause there havent been any proper ref of her