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request/commission description : hello toto, i would like to request a doodle of a milf that im interested on, i send you the pic ref and link through email,

A : the first lady (brown hair red eye) is from a game called 'IB', the main protagonist is IB herself but im more interested on her mother, the 2 pic i send you is the only ref i can find but im sure you can improvised her looks, surprise me :)

B : the 2nd lady (green dress) is a parent/mother from a steam game 'youtube life', i dont know why but i kinda like how shes looks like (i know im a realy weird dude) please make her extra thick (and a lil bit plump. just a lil itty bit)

once you done with the doodle please post it both with the ref pic and post it as a pool cause i cant really decide which one should i commission first! (well i kinda wanna go for the milf from youtube life first but i been waiting for ib mother for a very long time)

and please let people know also they are free to give and idea and suggestion on the comment. thanks and stay awesome :)



Can't see who either if them are


Ibs mom, no doubt, that's thicc.


I like Ib in the picture, she looks a little sassy XD


The IB mom for sure