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got my laptop back. apparently this 7yrs old bad boy kinda dying. might need to get a new one soon (if you guys have recommended model please leave youre comment below) 

that aside, i be resume back sketching request this evening. follow up replying all the inbox and comment also. (i cant do that now cause im working) 



Can you say about how much you'd like to spend on it?


Wow only 7yrs Miss Suicidetoto, I've had My Toshiba L500 since 2008 Lol. But I've Upgraded her a bit though, because I'm good with Computers. But anyways get any Laptop from $500 to $900. Just don't Buy a Huge Piece of Shit Gateway Laptop for the Love of Everything Holy LMFAO. Good Luck to Ya amazin' Artist You ;) :P