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What’s new in 2023?

I will be making a couple of changes to the Patreon in 2023

The first is that the ‘Big Damn Hero’ tier will be hooked up to Moulinette.  This won’t happen all at once but I will be adding things over the course of January, and this current map should already be there so let me know if you can see it!

I also have a pending contract with FVTT so my mods will be available directly though your FVTT software if you link it with Patreon.  I don’t have an exact date for this but it will likely also get started in January.

I am also leaning towards making a new tier with access to the entire backlog of FVTT modules.  Not sure on that yet but it is a good possibility.  I’m not exactly sure how to do this for the FGU people, but I am looking into it.

Finally, I am changing my release schedule slightly.  Right now I put out a map pack every Tuesday which comes out to 52 map packs each year.  I haven’t missed a Tuesday in over 2 years.  While I absolutely love making maps, a combination of mapping over Christmas and mapping while me and both my little girls were really quite sick has made me realize that like any other job I should occasionally have a small break if I need it.  So in 2023 and forward I will be putting out 48 map packs per year, never missing more than one Tuesday in any given month.  I hope everyone understands 🙂

This Map

This sad map is a grave, with lots of opportunities for a fight to break out... be it over the grave arguments, or something rising from it.  The alternate versions are a grave robbed versions, and a dragon grave.

Thanks for all your support in 2022, and I look forward to mapping for you in 2023 :)




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