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I recently backed a kickstarter for some new mapping software.  It's release last week coincided with my DM asking me to make Elfsong Tavern so I thought... well that seems like a good opportunity to learn this software.  

I don't love the software, or how this map turned out.  Still debating redoing it in my normal style.  But, as I did spend an awful lot of time making it, I thought I would toss it out to you guys on the off chance it is useful to anyone :)

Have a great day :)




Dungeon Alchemist? I backed it too, and tried it out on it's release a few nights back :D Looking forward to where they go with I think.. Few more tile types etc, will be really really good hopefully :D Thanks for the map!


Yeah that's the one! I wish they would let me draw diagonal lines! and yeah more assets and stuff. But I guess it's early days and who knows how it will change in the next year :)


Yeah, and circular. Towers etc. Yeah early days. Caves / caverns tiles will be a good one too. Has good promise. I figure give it time and see what they add. :D Thankfully we have your awesome map making skills to help us out :D