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The thing to look for, if you want your island to float, is the right type of crystals to be in the soil somewhere. Once you find some land like that it just takes a little magic and boom, private floating estate. Easy magic for an antisocial wizard who needs a little space. But not so antisocial he doesn’t have a house up on the islands for his mom. Even wizards can be momma’s boys.

The second version of the map is the same, but with normal water islands instead of skylands :)

Also attached is the fantasy grounds .mod file with the grid data, line of sight, and animation (clouds on the skyland, liquid water on the islands)

Map is 40x 30

Thank you so much for being my Patrons.  This week is winter break in Finland so I have 2 little helpers home from school all week.  My 7 year old as assured me she is going to make some maps 😁Have a great week!




All I have stuck in my mind is why does the sky island have a boat? But then I realize it's a fantasy map anyway, the boat can just fly can't it haha.


In the original version, there was a cloud under the boat like "hey magic flying boat here" but in the final version I put clouds under all the islands which, I guess makes it less obvious that the boat flies LoL :)