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Maybe you battle on the chess board and need to escape through the maze. Or maybe you need to get through the maze to find the chess board. It works either way :)

I built this map with the idea of learning to add in line of sight. Which I have done on Fantasy Grounds Unity, because that is the program my group is using. One of my goals is to also learn to do this on other systems like Roll20 or Foundry, but one step at a time.

I am including the .mod file of this map with the grid and line of sight data on here for anyone in the Adventurer and Big Damn Hero tiers of subscription :)  That of course has to be a separate post... cuz Patreon be like that *shrug*

When I was little both my parents worked at my school so I’d have to hang out for an hour or so after school before I would go home with them. And I would draw mazes on the blackboards. Every night, maze after maze. I laughed a little thinking about that when I was doing this map :)

Map is 20 x 20

Thanks for being my patron :)




+1 for FGU :)