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Here it is, my rich person manor house :) You have the grounds with lots of lawn and trees and a little maze garden to wander through after dinner. Unless you’d rather sit out back and look over the water.

On the ground floor you have an enormous dining room, a ball room, a library, a sorta museumy area, sleeping quarters for the staff, the kitchen, bathrooms and storage.

If you go up the grand stairway you will find the family’s quarters as well as some guest quarters, a private chapel and a game room.

I also included a cellar (door behind kitchen) which is mostly repurposed from another map but incase you wanted to slip out behind the kitchen and find where all the stuff is stored…

This one took me a very long time :) I have split it up into several maps so you can download in whatever way works best for you. I have the first floor and the grounds together as one big map the way I created it, but also as “The Manor” and “The Grounds” as separate maps. And both “The Upstairs” and “The Cellar” as separate maps.

Thanks as always for being a patron and supporting my work! :)

Grounds & Manor is 40 x 80
The Manor is 40 x 47
The Grounds are 40 x 47
Second Floor is 40 x 39
The Cellar is 13 x 8
The “Everything” map is 80 x 80




Looks amazing! Can't wait to show my players :D