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Hey guys, I've recently come down with a case of painful bones that has been making it really hard to sit for extended periods of time. Unfortunately, this means drawing on my PC hurts to do, so I'm going to need to restructure my list of drawing priorities. I will not do any drawing for VTT tokens next month, nor will I be able to do the monthly doodle dump or mini-commissions for the Town Guard or Artificer tiers respectively. 

Because of this, I'll be pausing billing for the Patreon for a month or so. I still want to work on pages and I'll still be posting them here early when I finish them, so that much will be unaffected. You just won't be charged for it this month. Yay! Normal billing should resume September 28th, and hopefully by then I'll be back up to functioning speed.

Anyway That's about that. Thanks for your support! 🙏



I subscribe to support the artists who produce comics I like, not to get the bonus items. That means the tiny amount I contribute is supposed to help you with whatever needs you have. I can't speak for the others, but you don't need to stop billing me. I would rather contribute to helping you get better.


Glad you are taking a well deserved rest, hope you feel better soon!