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Hey all, I'll be away from my computer for about a week or two starting on the 9th, so things may slow down here for a bit as far as Alderwood pages go. 

We've also hit a small road bump in terms of production while we take care of some design/layout work that needs to happen before I can start drawing the next few pages. This is a normal part of production, but because of how the timing worked out, it means that both the being-away-from-my-computer thing and the production delays are kind of stacking on top of each other in a way I don't really like RIP.

In case you're curious, the usual pipeline looks like this:

  • Bob writes the script.
  • I do visual development for any new locations, props, and characters that may show up in upcoming pages. <--we are here.
  • Bob and I work together to figure out how to divide the script into individual visual moments, and I thumbnail those out into VERY quick, VERY sloppy drawings.
  • I do layouts to divide those thumbnails into pages and try to make it flow clearly in a way that's (hopefully) appealing. We end up doing these in batches of 5-8 pages or so.
  • Finally I sketch, ink, and add tone to the pages.

idk I don't really have a whole lot else to say, but yeah just be aware there will be some delays coming up. Hope you guys are enjoying your weekend. 🦉


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