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Howdy all, sorry for the slow updates here on patreon dot com. I try to push out a new page here at least once a week, but I took up a 2-week teaching gig that's taking up more of my time than I anticipated. I figured since it was only 3 hours a day, I'd have ALL of the rest of the day to make comics, buuuuut it turns out there's also a significant amount of time doing cleanup, setup, and doing lesson plan stuff that I hadn't taken into account. 

After this is over on the 2nd of July, I'll also be gone to visit my family whom I have not seen since the start of the pandemic, and we'll be in an area where internet access is scant, and also my big bulky desktop computer would be cumbersome to bring to. So there will be a lapse in content in that regard as well.

BUT AFTER THAT, I'm really excited to get back to a normal update schedule. Bob just finished writing the rest of Chapter 2, and it's going to be a loooooong one. The script for chapter 1 was 2,825 words long, while chapter 2 is currently 13,239 words long. I'm hoping that I'll be able to start pumping these pages out more quickly once the story moves on to an area with fairly simple backgrounds (legit), so I don't spend the next 5 years on a single, relatively introductory story arc.

Anyway, that's all I've got for you today. Thanks for being here; y'all really help me feel like my work has worth. Love you all. 💖



All good, completely understand the workload as a teacher myself. Also very excited for the story with such a deep script.