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HOLY HELL okay so I think I'm more-or-less back in business. I'm still missing a lot of the sort of supplementary programs I use to draw, but at least now I've got Photoshop and Lazy Nezumi back. 

As sort of an exercise to make sure all my workspace settings are back where I like them, I colored this panel from 01_020 because I'd been using it as my phone lock screen, but it was hard to see my push notifications against the white of his forehead. 

Anyway this will end up being a public post, but I wanna thank you guys for being patient with the lack of content during this past week.

now I need to work my ass off to get caught back up aaaaaaaaa ;-;


no text: I'm using this one as my phone lock screen now
just a bigger version of the original panel with text added


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