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Hey Guys,

Just wanted to let you know that while I had every intention of getting 3 episodes of Dexter done and posted tonight it might not happen. My mom fell in the yard 2 days ago and I've been staying in the house to take care of her. She seemed to be feeling better yesterday but woke up in a lot of pain today. We have been at the wall in clinic for 4 hours and she is just now going in to x-ray. How she feels when we get home will determine if I am staying in the house again tonight. If I do, I will have my cousin come over tomorrow to take care of her and my sister so I can get some work done. It will probably be the middle of the night Sunday before I get the videos edited and uploaded but I'll stay up until they are done. Sorry about the delay but my sister is disabled so I am taking care of both of them right now. 

Thank you guys for being here, I hope you know how much I appreciate you. 


Quentin Carbonnel

Lol no big deal take care of your mom , i'm suscribed to a few patreon and you're certainly one with the most stable schedule , hope she will get better . I'm french so my english is not the best i hope you understand .

Janet Daurity

You have some tough stuff going on. No hurry!


Oh, goodness! I hope that your mom is feeling & doing better soon. Don’t worry about the videos, just focus on your family. 💛


Bobbi, So sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she gets better soon. Please take all the time you need.


Wishing her a speedy recovery ❤️ take care of yourself too!


Thank you! I really feel a lot of obligation to you guys. I feel horrible if I go more than 2 days without posting videos.