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I tried. I really did. The opening scene in the coliseum was good, but when they flashed back the sets and background were just awful. It seems like they worked hard on CGI for the blood and fighting, but then did a really bad job green screening. I might give it another shot later, but right now I can't do it, lol.



Yikes. 😬 I’ve not seen it myself (though I always heard good things about it) but yeah, bad set pieces or effects can take me out, too.

Quentin Carbonnel

If you can get past the bad cgi (it get better) you're in for a treat , btw episode 1 is the worst and only(imo) bad episode of the whole show .


That show was actually a bit of a mindf**k for me at first... but looking back, nothing was accidental. The best way that I can describe Spartacus is moral/cultural subversion to an extreme amount. The CGI & the weird dialog seems bad, but it is actually intentional. They are trying to create their own version of reality. One in which the audience initially has no point of reference. You either submit to it or reject it totally - just a part of the show's unapologetic aesthetic.


I am now 0 for 2 in finding good show recommendations for Bobbi 🙃