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A motherf***ing roly-poly, chubby-cheeked shit-machine? 

Google Drive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jOz97KJkNzQ9DtVdBf3ln8vpLETDfa_w/view?usp=share_link

Microsoft OneDrive https://1drv.ms/v/s!AhpjHWGLmfeLh1PFg7BA2c1Zr3T-?e=nzgDtk


Janet Daurity

Deb's description of the baby is the funniest Deb line in the whole show, even though there are many that compete!

Janet Daurity

I sent you a clip on messenger. Mentioned is the Audible version of Stephen King's Pet Semetary beautifully (and amazingly) narrated by MCH. I recommend it but you will need hours and hours. So long. He even barks like a dog, perfectly LOL!


Yeah, I've got the audiobook. I love it. It was one of the first things I thought about when I started watching this.


Finally catching up on some Dexter!