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Joel can't die!!!!

Google Drive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vrZk808b4CCJpACaWqgxfudOLqvB9Z-h/view?usp=share_link

Microsoft OneDrive https://1drv.ms/v/s!AhpjHWGLmfeLh0Xa0nfelE3sdWbn?e=UgNsMd


Darnell Holland

I love this show. It feels so realistic that Joel would take this long to open up. There is that twenty-year gap after his daughter is murdered in his arms that we are not privy to, and one can only imagine the spiral he went through having no resources to help him. He needed to build that emotional wall around himself to keep from losing his sanity: best episode so far, IMO. Pedro and Bella's performance was amazing. Thanks for sharing your reaction. Enjoy hearing your thoughts. 🙂


This episode was so good. Wrapping my head around how Joel must have felt finding out Tommy had cut him out of his life and started a new one was brutal.