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well YOU might not care that they changed location, but as someone who has lived in southwestern PA most of my life I am outraged! (ok, everyone please hold your jokes about Pittsburgh *already* being hell on earth) 😎 As for why, maybe with different pacing/screen time considerations than the game they wanted them closer to the finish line at this point in the season? Especially if they're gonna be on foot...


Hahahaaha! Yeah, I figured the proximity to Wyoming had something to do with the location change.


This show is consistently impressing me! I cried this episode, too… again, haha. 💙 I’m not a gamer either but this program has captured me. This episode’s end really caught me off guard. What a gut punch but so effective and impactful. I’ve heard that they’ve made changes here & there to characters (like making Sam deaf), their stories, certain locations, and plot points. Tell you what, I am here for it! 😎😉 I love what they’re doing and how they are crafting and carrying out this story. I hope that they keep doing things just as they are. 🙃


Me too! I wasn't sure what to expect going into it. I didn't watch any trailers, just saw how hard HBO was hyping it. I'm so glad I decided to watch it!