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Hey guys, couple of things.

#1 I really appreciate you guys. I can't even put into words how it makes me feel that people want to pay real money to watch videos with me. I will be thrilled if my Patreon grows enough that I can start focusing more on new videos for you guys and only have to edit new content a couple of times a week for YouTube. Right now YouTube takes up a disproportionate amount of my time. But YouTube feeds my Patreon so I must feed YouTube. 

#2 I think I figured out why my videos were stuttering and jerking. I don't think it was really my video card. I think it was Vimeo, which I used to record videos for me to react to later. I've recorded some recently with my screen recorder and they look a lot better.

#3 I reacted to the last 3 episodes of Dexter Season 1 yesterday. I am going to try to get them up today. It may take a little longer to edit them because I recorded my camera and the video separately. There are 2 benefits to this that make up for the longer editing time, the first is that I have so much more control over regulating my voice and the video levels. The other is I don't have to watch the video in a 3 inch square. 

#4 I had planned to react to S3 E3&4 of Stranger Things yesterday but when I was getting set up I realized I had recorded those using Vimeo and now that I think I can make better recordings, I want to stop using the bad ones. I won't be able to get to Stranger Things again until Tuesday the 24th because of the next thing.

#5 I haven't noticed any reaction or input here to the first episode of The Last of Us that I uploaded last week. But it has gone bat shit on YouTube. I'm talking over 2k views in less than a week which is huge for my channel. Previously my 2 most viewed videos were the first and last episodes of Severance. They are both over 1,500 but they have been up for 6 months. So as long as it is this popular I need to make sure I take the time each week to react to and edit each new episode. We have had 5 new Patrons this week which is the most ever in one week and I think that this show might be the driving force behind that. 

You guys are the best! Maybe once I wrap Stranger Things we can think about doing a poll.

Thank you for watching with me!!!




Awesome! I think that as more people find your channel, it will skyrocket. I really liked your Severance reactions, and I am really enjoying your Dexter reactions. I've heard similar complaints about Vimeo from others who switched to using unlisted youtube videos instead.

Janet Daurity

Excited about your reactions to Dexter! Can't wait!