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Of course we had to do more with Nurse Gull, right? She's just so fun to right dialog for because she's SO intense in being as embarrassing as humanly possible. Here she is just humiliating the heck out of poor little Tim. I imagine he probably didn't want to even go in to get a change and just figured it'd be less humiliating to bear it out if his pants didn't also rip.

Very sweet character we couldn't resist working with. Also nice to see Tim get some screentime to himself outside of Erika.




Yesss~ excellent work on this one. Good to see Tim getting up to his own troubles, and Gull still being Gull. Knowing Nurse Gull, she’d probably deafen the whole school if Erika and Tim had to get a change at the same time.


Can you explain the head thing for me?


Just means we'll draw one shot of a character. Two heads are two characters drawn or two drawings of the same character or whatever, etc.