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Okay, so the "monthly" thing is going a bit awkwardly, but eh, we'll see if we can't get more into the swing of things as we go.

Lance starts off his new day at Golden Start Preschool, meeting his new teacher Miss Glee. Had a ton of fun with her dialog; there's a certain art to writing an embarrassing, condescending caretaker and you have to get it JUST right for maximum embarrassment. She's designed to resemble a Nurse Joy, with the idea that she's a distant relative of some kind.

A minor thing I have way too much fun with this series is coming up with last names for a lot of Pokemon characters. Lance and Clair's last name is Ladon; I love alliterative names and wanted something related to dragons. Ladon was a dragon in Greek myth.

IIII'm honestly starting to dislike doing the story versions of these. They're a lot more cumbersome and less fun to do than the comic editions. I'm already considering dropping that half and just trying comics; thoughts?




I’d say better to focus on the comic. It would be more focused; probably what people already default to viewing and you can Always save the story format for special occasions if you want to use it somehow. Now, on the subject of this itself…are we sure lance isn’t a fire type with how red those cheeks are going to be getting?