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Ooookay, so that Pokemon Presentation was terrible, but forget about that! To save Pokemon Day, we're finally premiering this little labor of love~

Before I get into it, AS a labor of love and would really, really appreciate feedback on this one.

Yeah, this has been something I've wanted to do for a long while; a long-term project involving a regressed Lance trying to deal with having been transformed into a four-year-old. A ton of thought went into this over a long period of time, and finally showing it off in full.

We open with our little protag being dropped off for his first day by his cousin/caregiver Clair. He's clearly not crazy about it but can be talked into it.... And Clair is clearly still learning the ropes on being a big sister but doing her best.

We'd like to tryyyyy and get these out once a month-ish? This is something that gets slowly-but-steadily worked on in between our other projects, but isn't as much of a priority as our webcomics. It's designed to be very bite-sized, with every micro-arc being only 3 pages long. We'll probably try doing both strip-form and story-form for now, let us know which kind you guys prefer.

Like I said, we'd really appreciate feedback for this one.




This is such a cute start to this. I know you’ve been wanting to do this for a long while, so here’s hoping this is the start to a wonderful project.