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Heh... Cute little number here, isn't it? Peni Parker, after getting regressed, is now chilling with the children of her universe's versions of Reed Richards, and participating in a little experiment for his youngest.

To readers whose entire knowledge of Marvel comes from Hollywood, Reed Richards, Mr. Fantastic and the World's Smartest Man, has two kids with his wife Sue.  They have Valeria, a toddler who inherited her father's super-intelligence, and Franklin, a 7-10-year-old whose power is on-again/off-again omnipotence. Tragically they were both turned into teenagers overnight because comic book artists seem to really, REALLY hate drawing children. .... Jeez, those two, Jon Kent, Dylan Brock, this keeps happening....

Huge Fantastic Four fan here, so got a big kick out of drawing these two, ESPECIALLY Franklin. Really love his expression as he plays "Cool big brother" and indulges in super-smart-sister's studies. 



Abe Sedecim

I don't think it's that they hate drawing children, it's just a matter of getting the proportions right, unlike manga which goes cuteness over all. Plus kids are always growing, so it's hard to be approximate with growth rates. I just speculating of course.


Super Cute